Calanus pacificus
Posterior corners of prosome without spines; 1st antennae as long as the body.
Among the more abundant copepods off Southern California.
"Biphasic" life history in Southern California; year-round reproduction in surface waters by part of the population, while another part of the population remains dormant in deeper waters through the winter.
Nuwer, M.L., Frost, B.W., and Armbrust, E.V. (2008) Population structure of the planktonic copepod Calanus pacificus in the North Pacific Ocean. Marine Biology 156, 107-115. doi 10.1007/s00227-008-1068-y.
Ohman, M.D., Drits, A.V., Clarke, M.E., and Plourde, S. (1998) Differential dormancy of co-occurring copepods. Deep-Sea Research II 45: 1709-1740.