Cyclosalpa bakeri


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Found in tropical and temperate waters, and as far north as the Gulf of Alaska.
Strong vertical migrator; present in the upper 150 m at night, mostly deeper by day.
Aggregate generation: to 26 mm; solitary generation: to 47 mm
Filter feeders; phytoplankton and other small particles.
Medusae, siphonophores, ctenophores, heteropods, sea turtles, marine birds and many fish.
Useful Facts or Characters: 

The aggregate generation has a characteristic intestinal loop, trailing testis, and caecum within posterior projections.  The solitary generation is barrel-shaped with 3-5 light organs present on lateral sides running perpendicular to the horizontal body muscles.

Natural History: 

The aggregate generation forms circular chains connected to one another, and possesses posterior projections.


Bone, Q. (1998) The biology of pelagic tunicates. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Wrobel, D. and Mills, C. (1998) Pacific Coast pelagic invertebrates:  a guide to the common gelatinous animals. Sea Challengers, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA.

Yount, J.L. (1954) The taxonomy of the Salpidae (Tunicata) of the central Pacific Ocean. Pacific Science 8: 276-330.