Clio pyramidata
Worldwide in warm waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific. In the North Pacific it ranges from Washington to Baja California (more common in the southern region).
Epipelagic to mesopelagic.
Up to 9 mm
Phytoplankton, protozoa, juvenile copepods, nauplii, tintinnids, radiolarians, and centrics diatoms have been found in the gut.
The squid Doryteuthis opalescens; also an important food for fish and whales.
Useful Facts or Characters:
Elongate, pyramid-shaped, and transparent shell. Has a pronounced central midrib on the dorsal surface. Shell opening unobstructed; bears a posterior tip. The shell lacks transverse folds and does not curve dorsally.
Natural History:
Known to be an intermediate host for parasitic copepods that eventually infest fish. Several forms exist within the California Current, but here no attempt was made to distinguish them.